We have been hard at work making updates to the course. Projects ranging from new irrigation systems to adding cart paths. The changes that have been made will surely be great for the reopening. We wanted to give some updates on the progress we’ve been making and a look into what is changing here at Tanglewood Greens!
Irrigation System
One of our biggest projects has been the installation of our band new irrigation system on the entire golf course. So far, the irrigation system is about 80% complete. This project started last fall, and we hope to have it completed by June 1st. This means the greens will be in great shape for the reopening in mid-July.
Another project that started last fall was changes to the greens. All 19 greens (with the practice green) have been completely reshaped and graded. Making minor changes on some, and major changes on others to improve the course as a whole. The greens were seeded on August 15th and got a great start on growth before winter came. They were mowed and rolled a half dozen times last fall, and we have now mowed and rolled them twice already this spring. Small pinholes were punched into them the last week of April, a process called “aerification”. Meant to improve growth and water intake into the soil. We are happy to announce that they are doing very well!
The Tee-boxes were seeded in October and have germinated this spring. With having a heavy rainfall, we hope to see plush grass growing on them soon!
Tree Removal
There has been a lot of progress in removing trees around the course. So far, there have been over 400 trees removed! Besides the removal of so many, a lot of the remaining trees have been trimmed to ensure proper sunlight can reach our greens, and to optimize play.
Cart Pathways
Who doesn’t love golf carts? It’s all part of the golfing experience. Being installed this year are golf cart paths on about half of the course. They will be a combination of gravel and asphalt. This will help to minimize washouts in heavy rains, and a smooth ride for between shots. We hope golfers will enjoy the accessibility the paths will bring.
Overall, the course layout will be the same however with the greens being reshaped and the removal of trees the course will look very different overall. We are looking forward to the reopening of the course this summer around mid-July.